This next installment in the Penric and Desdemona series goes a little deeper than previous stories, but not deep enough to rise above a three rocket rating. Still, it's a good read and a nice addition to the ongoing saga.
A fun read with an ending that didn't quite satisfy. However, Duncan delights anyway with a likeable main character and enough twists to keep things interesting.
Penric and Desdemona must face off against a rogue shaman wanted for murder. As always, Bujold's writing draws you into her world and her characters never disappoint.
Tolkien meets Harry Potter in the first of this three book series. Reiffen's Choice harkens back to the traditional fantasy tales of old. Fun and entertaining, it's a good read, albeit not entirely original.
The pacing is all wrong on this one, with characters that are flung at the reader and just as quickly tossed away.
Lord of the Fire Lands by Dave Duncan continues the story begun in The Gilded Chain and ends with a twist that so surprised me I didn't wait long to pick up the next in the series. Duncan continues to impress!
Flat characters never instilled in me a desire to see or care if the crimes were solved. Lord Darcy is a fail for me.
Assassin's Fate is everything you might expect from Hobb as her masterful storytelling intertwines all of the disparate Elderling worlds and brings to a close the story of one of fantasy's most beloved characters.
A fun adventure full of colorful characters, intrigue, magic, and, of course, the King's Blades.
Blood of the Serpent fails to live up to the legacy of Conan and the vibrant world of Hyboria.
Shadows of Sanctuary offers readers a dark, introspective look at the city of Sanctuary.
Storm Season offers fans more of the gritty, morally complex stories that have defined the series.
A worthy follow-up to the original Thieves' World anthology.
Slaying the Dragon is an insightful and well-researched account of the history of Dungeons & Dragons.
Highly recommended for those who enjoy a richly detailed, morally complex world filled with unpredictable characters and stories.
Before They Are Hanged is a solid follow-up to The Blade Itself.
The Face of Chaos continues to deliver the gritty, morally complex stories that fans of the Thieves’ World series have come to love.
Last Argument of Kings is a thrilling conclusion to Joe Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy.
Best Served Cold is a masterful exploration of vengeance and its consequences.