Top Rated Reviews of 2018
I don’t give many 5 rocket ratings. Out of 39 reviews written in 2018, only three earned that distinction. Looking at my review policy, here is how I define a five rocket rating:
An out of this world experience. We would indulge ourselves again and would highly recommend to others.
A five rocket rating is everything that a four is—a moving, exciting, or thoughtful experience—but with the added kicker that I’d recommend it without question to someone else. That isn’t to say that everything I rate 5 rockets is going to gain instant satisfaction with others. We all know it doesn’t work like that. Robin Hobb’s style of writing is amazing or boring, depending on your point of view. Black Panther was ground-breaking or droll. Horizon was thoroughly satisfying or too folksy. That’s why I wouldn’t limit yourself to only the highest rated books or movies. I’ve got plenty of reviews that “only” earned four rockets. You are almost guaranteed to find something to enjoy amongst those as well.
Below, however, you’ll find only those items I felt delivered on all fronts: the writing was superb, the characters realistic and moving, and the story enthralling and immersive. Looking forward to 2019 I hope I have many more like these to share with you.
1. Horizon by Lois McMaster Bujold
Bujold, working her usual writing magic in this final book in The Sharing Knife series, brings everything full circle in a satisfying and successful way.
2. Assassin’s Fate by Robin Hobb
Assassin's Fate is everything you might expect from Hobb as her masterful storytelling intertwines all of the disparate Elderling worlds and brings to a close the story of one of fantasy's most beloved characters.
3. Black Panther
Visually stunning, exceptional characters, great action, and more humor than I was expecting. I don’t know what else to say about Black Panther but to go see it.
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