Flat characters never instilled in me a desire to see or care if the crimes were solved. Lord Darcy is a fail for me.
Assassin's Fate is everything you might expect from Hobb as her masterful storytelling intertwines all of the disparate Elderling worlds and brings to a close the story of one of fantasy's most beloved characters.
A fun adventure full of colorful characters, intrigue, magic, and, of course, the King's Blades.
Scalzi has the success and the genre cred to write a real book on writing. This is not that book.
Led me down such a herky-jerky path that the only thing clear to me was that I was not going to continue with the series.
Visually stunning, exceptional characters, great action, and more humor than I was expecting. I don’t know what else to say about Black Panther but to go see it.
A fun, fast, enjoyable read that sets the stage for many adventures ahead as we explore the intriguing relationship between Penric and Desdemona.
A 4 rocket rating gets marked down to 3 due to the excessive typos. Otherwise, Blackguards is a rich collection of dastardly tales full of rogues, thieves, and assassins.
This second novel in Bujold's Sharing Knife series brings to a close events set in motion in Beguilement. A slow and steady pace (much like a Robin Hobb novel) ensures a long, enjoyable read as Bujold always impresses.
Blood of the Serpent fails to live up to the legacy of Conan and the vibrant world of Hyboria.
A worthy follow-up to the original Thieves' World anthology.
Highly recommended for those who enjoy a richly detailed, morally complex world filled with unpredictable characters and stories.
Shadows of Sanctuary offers readers a dark, introspective look at the city of Sanctuary.